Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Microsoft Surface Computer

This is the next generation in computer technology, just similar to the touch screen devices found in cell phones and digital cameras,but with a different particularity, that by placing a multimedia device on top of the screen surface of the tablet, all the device media is open quickly. It is so cool, that we can transfer all the media with our fingers from one place to another. Moreover, we can make any picture or video clip to the desired size. It is amazing.This could make the traditional mouse that we normally use in home and office PCs out of the market. On a surface computer we can find a better resolution than on a regular PC screen. Also, It is ideal for conference slide shows, weather presentation, and for commercial use. Example, Restaurant menu orders, conference rooms, etc. This surface computers are still too expensive for the people to afford it right now.It can cost about $10 thousand USD. In the future, we will see if the prices slow down as technology advances.

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